The Guided Online Business Program kicks off January 30, 2024!

Everything you need to launch your online business

for New or Re-Emerging Coaches, 1:1 Service Providers and Course Creators

For coaches, 1:1 service providers and even course creators, this is a comprehensive program that will take you through online business strategy, website creation, launching and ongoing marketing so you have an online business, not just a website.

Everyone says you need a website, a lead magnet, and email marketing set up…

but no one shows you how to do it. The Guided Online Business Program is where the strategy and the tech to pull it off meet. 

Launching an online business takes work, but it doesn't have to feel this hard.

You're tired of having a service to sell... and not selling it.

You know you’re good at what you do, but you just can’t seem to get people through the door! Or maybe you’ve even been paralyzed at the “getting started” phase.

You’re Not Sure Who Can Help You… A Brand Strategist? A Marketing Expert? A Website Designer?

You know that you need to get your business out in front of people online, but you’re not exactly sure who you need to help you with that. Or you feel like you need everyone to help you with it, but that’s not in the budget right now.

Maybe You Already Know What You’re “Supposed” to Do, But You Can’t Make Your Tech Work For You.

You’ve done all the learning, perhaps even taken other courses, but just can’t implement what you’ve learned. You’ve had many a meltdown over setting up your email marketing and making changes to your website.

All you want is to be paid well for doing the work you love – you just didn’t realize that would mean you would have to be a website designer, email marketer and more to do it.

How we teach online business is broken. Because most of us are doing all of the work ourselves for a very long time when we launch a business. And you can learn all the strategies in the world, but if you can’t implement them yourself… Well, what good is that?

The Guided Online Business Program

The Guided Online Business Program combines the best practices and strategies for starting an online business with the actual tech that you need to set it up. For the solopreneur who intends to stay that way for a while (or maybe forever), I’ll help you manage all the aspects of your online business with confidence.

The best part is, I’m strategy and tool agnostic. We need to find the thing that will work best for YOU, not anybody else, when it comes to the tasks you put on your to-do list and the platforms you leverage to build your website and email marketing.


The Groundwork

Before we can get into the structure of your website and marketing plan, we will get clear on your goals, why you do what you do, and what makes you different from others who might be offering similar services. I’ll guide you through crafting an offer or offer suite that actually sells. We’ll also take a look at how you work best, and how you can set yourself up for sustainable success.


No one likes to market themselves, but just building a website isn’t enough – not even if it has expertly crafted offers and perfect messaging! We’ll work on marketing in two phases. In the first, I’ll provide an overview of all the strategies out there (some include social media, some do not), and we’ll identify what your client acquisition strategy will be. In the second, we’ll make an actual plan and I’ll show you how to execute it!


I do this in a little bit of a different order from some other people out there. We will work on your branding after we do the groundwork and figure out your basic marketing strategy. Then we can get to work positioning yourself in the right place in the market with your branding! We’ll focus on brand positioning*, brand personality, colors, fonts and basic logo design.


At this point we’ll be ready to work on your messaging and crafting the language for your website that will win the hearts of your right-fit clients. I’ll work with you on identifying keywords (gotta have that SEO, baby). Then, because I want you to have the best, I’ll hand you over to Lauren Van Mullem, ethical copywriter for coaches, and she’ll guide you through writing your Home, About, Services and Sales pages.


I’m a BIG believer in solopreneurs being able to make changes to their own websites. Businesses iterate over time, and so does the website – not to mention routine changes. I’ll walk you through creating your own custom WordPress or Squarespace website. If you already have a website, you’ll learn how to edit it easy-breezy so that you can make changes based on the branding and copy portions of the program.


No matter what strategies you decide to use to get eyes on your website, you will trust your email marketing to convert any right-fit clients who don’t purchase right away. I’ll guide you through lead magnet creation, setting up your email marketing platform of choice and creating amazing welcome and nurture sequences to automatically build “know, like, trust” with your people

*Not sure what ‘brand positioning’ is? You’re in the right place! It’s how you differentiate yourself from the other people a prospective client may choose to work with. It basically encompasses everything that makes your business unique from how you interact with your customers to the exact value that you deliver to them.

So, Who Am I Anyway?

My name is Kara and I’m the owner of a website design and online business strategy “company” called Kara & Co Creative. I say “company” because it’s just me and my graphic designer (who is also my mom!). At this point, I’ve worked with over 100 coaches and creatives to launch their online businesses.

I’ve worked with many of them for years, and along the way I’ve seen what’s worked, and what hasn’t. I’ve helped them to implement all the tech from their initial website build to detailed email marketing automations. I’ve also helped them to connect the tech they’ve needed to use to implement the strategies they’ve been taught in other online programs, some of them with $10,000+ price tags.

You name the program, I’ve probably helped somebody actually build out the tech needed to act on its teachings.

I believe in keeping things simple, even when we’re looking at things as annoyingly complex as the Facebook Ads dashboard. I know that your online business is only going to work if you enjoy showing up in it, so I’ll work with you to find the tools and strategies that will get you launched and thriving!

I'd also love to introduce Lauren!

Lauren Van Mullem is an ethical copywriter for service-based entrepreneurs over at Truer Words by Lauren. She’ll be leading the copywriting portion of the program and helping provide guidance on email copy too! Her approach to copy is ethical, which means that she’ll help you craft copy that empowers your right-fit clients to make their own choices, building trust, genuine relationships and a sustainable business rich in referrals.

You can manage all the aspects of your online business

As a member of the Guided Online Business Program you will:

Design your offers

I know you’re great at what you do, but if you don’t craft a strong offer around your service, people won’t buy it! We’ll take care of it.


We’ll craft a plan how YOU want to show up for your business and complete it with a strategy to turn viewers into customers once they land on the website.

Craft a strong brand

We’ll back up your offers with a strong brand that expresses the value of the work that you do, and messaging that resonates with your right-fit clients.

start to grow

We’ll base all of the assets we build (website, copy, email marketing & more) on a client acquisition strategy. No more throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks!


You’ll design or redesign your website so that it’ll be your sales MVP. You’ll also have access to templates designed by me so that they’re already optimized.

Maximize your impact

We’ll chart a path for you to build a sustainable business that allows you to do the work you love to do while helping as many people as you want to with your services.

Imagine how much easier you’ll be breathing once you have all of that in place and clients coming in your internet door?

Take a look at the actual week-by-week schedule here:

You can go through the program at your own pace. You'll have access to the regular program calls for 6 months and the Tech Supported Mastermind calls for a total of 12 months. This schedule is for those who are able to give the program a lot of their attention to complete the core modules in 4 months.

Foundations - Week 0

This is where we set the stage for all of the work we are going to do together and make sure that your mindset is where it needs to be to drive change in your business. It’s also where we get clear on what you ACTUALLY want from your business so that throughout the program we can craft strategies that not only grow your business, but actually serve you.

We'll go over things like:

  • Your Big Why

  • Starting As You Mean to Go On

  • Being Vs. Doing

  • Boundaries For Better Business

  • Self-Coaching Spreadsheet

Your Big Idea - Weeks 1-2

Step one is getting super clear on your idea and how you’ll structure your business. We’ll research your niche, your ideal client, your competitors and the market so that you can solidly position yourself to attract the people that you want to work with most.

This is where we’ll dive into:

  • Market Research

  • Identifying Client Research

  • Creating Your Offers

  • Deciding Whether You Need One or Many Offers

  • Client Acquisition Strategy Overview

Marketing Strategy - Week 3

Marketing strategy provides the overview of all of the marketing options available to you so that you can decide how you would like to market your business – and then we can tailor your website and other assets to your marketing strategy. That’s why marketing strategy comes before branding and the website!

We’ll learn all about:

  • How People Will Find You

  • What You Will Do To Keep People Close Once They Come Into Your Orbit

  • Organic Social Media Options

  • Paid Social Media Options

  • Content Marketing Options

  • Networking Options

  • Search Social Options (YouTube, Pinterest)

  • All About Funnels

Brand Strategy - Week 4

Now, we'll start to leverage all of the research and work you did in the preceding weeks to determine how you want your brand to be perceived by your potential customers. We'll talk about fonts, colors and logos -- but more importantly brand positioning, brand personality and key points of differentiation. This. is also where you'll plan the photos you'll need for your website!

On the agenda, will be:

  • Look, Tone and Feel of Your Business

  • Visual identifiers

  • Messaging Identifiers

  • How You Relate to Potential Competitors

  • Identifying Photos for Website

  • Guidance for Website Photoshoots

Website Copy - Weeks 5-8

In this 4-week unit, Lauren from Truer Words by Lauren will guide you through writing the copy for all of your major website pages. I'll kick things off with a little tutorial on SEO (search engine optimization) and finding keywords that will help get your website discovered. Then, Lauren will show you how to write copy that has your right-fit clients saying "Hell yeah, I want to work with them!".

On the agenda:

  • Finding Keywords and How Not To Sound Like a Robot When Using Them

  • Home Page Copy

  • About Page Copy

  • Services Page Copy

  • Sales Page Copy (Individual Services)

FAQ image

Website Design - Weeks 10-12

Now, don't worry -- 4 week will be plenty of time to create a completely customized website because you'll have gathered all of the materials you need before you get started (photos, brand assets, website copy, lead magnet idea). When I have all of the materials, I can literally build a 5-page website in one day!

You'll have 4 weeks and access to templates created for Lauren's copy format. Options will be provided in Squarespace, WordPress and ShowIt.

On the agenda:

  • Choosing Your Website Platform

  • Installing Your Template (If Using)

  • Designing All Your Pages

  • Custom Touches

  • SEO Optimization

  • Installing Google Analytics

Lead Magnets & Freebies - Week 13

No matter what marketing practices you choose to employ to get eyes onto your website, everyone will be leveraging email marketing to help convert visitors into customers -- and a sign up form on the website is the first step. During these two weeks we'll review lead magnet strategy, choose your lead magnet idea, and get to work creating it! If you already have a lead magnet, you can revamp it, or it never hurts to have more than one!

We'll get into:

  • Gated vs. Ungated Freebies

  • Format Options

  • Choosing Your Email Marketing Platform

  • Creating the Lead Magnet

FAQ image

Email Marketing 201 - Weeks 14-15

Now, a lot of people know to set up a lead magnet and connect it to their email marketing system -- and most people stop there. Most of the people who are actually making money from their business have more automated workflows in place. This is because it helps to warm up your prospective clients and demonstrate value so that they feel more confident to make a purchase decision the next time that you ask for a sale. This is where we turn your email marketing system into a sales system, not just a collection of emails you never use.

The focus will be on:

  • Writing Amazing Nurture and Sales Sequences

  • Getting Them Set Up to Send Automatically In Your EMS

Marketing Plan - Week 16

At this point, you'll have all the tools in place to convert your right-fit clients from your website: strong branding and messaging, an optimized website, and a lead magnet and email marketing system set up to sell for you. Now it's time to get more eyeballs on your website 👀. We'll take the marketing strategy you decided on at the start of the program (and that you optimized your website for) and create your actionable plan.

While this is the last week of the Guided program, you'll have continued access to the Tech Supported Online Business Mastermind for 8 MONTHS so that you can continue to grow and get support.

Depending on what you decided to focus on, you'll learn:

  • Blogging Best Practices

  • Content Marketing Outreach

  • Podcast Set Up

  • YouTube Channel Set Up

  • Organic Instagram Strategy

  • Organic Pinterest Strategy

  • Instagram & Facebook Ad Strategy & Set Up

  • Pinterest Ad Set Up

  • Scheduling and Planning Tools to Keep You On Track

This is the inaugural class!

Because this is the first time I’m running this particular program, I’m offering it at a discounted price ($1,000 off) and it’ll be extremely high-touch since I want to make sure that you get everything you need out of it.

The first round begins January 30th!

Some people might call these “bonuses” – but really, they’re essentials, the things that need to be included to guarantee your success.

self-coaching tools

I'm 100% here for you during this program, but I know that putting everything together isn't always easy. I’ll work with you on your mindset and provide tools that will help you to keep yourself on track.

1:1 Business Clarity session

Since I’m not peddling a one-size-fits-all approach to online business, I’m offering a 1:1 session to get to know you and your business to better guide you through the process.


Tech Supported provides additional tutorials for working with tech, building things like online courses, and opportunities to connect with other entrepreneurs. You'll receive access for 12 months.


All of the tutorials and other programming will be hosted in Mighty Networks, which also provides a great forum (and an app!) so you can stay connected while you do the work.

WEEKLY mastermind call

We’ll kick off each week with a group coaching call on Mondays at 2 PM ET. We’ll celebrate wins and troubleshoot tasks together.


We’ll have a weekly Q&A session on Thursdays at 12 PM ET. You can also submit questions ahead of time and view the recording if you can’t make it live.

The Guided Online Program is for you whether you want to be selling 1:1 coaching services, roll out group programs or online courses, or just get paid well doing the work you love with the freedom to manage your own time.

This is going to be a dream for you if…

✨You’re a coach or other service provider who has the training to provide a freaking awesome service, but are lacking on the business know-how

✨You’re interested in selling services or services-turned-courses primarily online

✨You’re tired of trying every single strategy you hear about and want someone to help guide you to what will work best for YOU

✨You are SO sick of words like “automations” and “workflows” but know that you need them 

✨You feel sick to your stomach just thinking about making changes to your website, or creating one for the first time

✨You’ve been toying with the idea of making money online for awhile now and just can’t seem to get it off the ground

✨You want a group of like-minded people to bounce ideas off of and to feel like you’re not building the G–D– thing all on your own!

I’m not going to lie – I’ve been in business for myself for 10 years now and I’ve worked with hundreds of people who are doing it on their own too, and it takes work. This program will help you make money online (hopefully lots of it!), but it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. While we’ll find ways to make it flow, you will have to put in the effort.

The Guided Online Business Program is not for you if:

☄️You don’t want to do ANY marketing. I hate to break it to you, but building a website and throwing on an email opt-in won’t get you anywhere if you’re not willing to show up in other spaces and drive traffic to your website. But, I’ll offer you plenty of different ways to do this!

☄️You’re not willing to spend any time on the tech. If you want to outsource the tech, that’s totally fine – but about 50% of this course is related to getting it all set up yourself.

Here’s what my wonderful clients have said from past 1:1 work and previous course offerings:

I HIGHLY recommend working with Kara if you are in need of setting up a quality website but have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how to make your vision come to life! I feel like not only do I have a beautiful website that I could have never created myself but also the tools to start to begin to manage the website myself thanks to Kara’s guidance and support.

- Hope griffith

For a long time, I was daunted by the idea of creating my own website and I could not be more grateful that I found Kara. She made the whole process very simple, organized and straightforward.


If like me, you are still stuck / stalling in your business and using your branding / copy / website (or lack there of) this course is a great way to gently and easily move you forward! Lauren and Kara are extremely knowledgeable, approachable and engaging. They genuinely want you to succeed and they have the ability to help you do just that!

- anonymous review from lauren & My website launch bootcamp!


$1,500 | or 5 payments of $325

For access to EVERYTHING you need to get your service-based business launched online.

You get 30 days to test drive The Guided Online Business Program.  If you don’t love it, I’ll refund your $$$. If you reach out within 30 days after enrollment to let me know that you’re not happy with the program, I’ll give you a full refund.

supported tech





*tutorials provided are for Squarespace + WordPress only, but I can help you troubleshoot ShowIt as needed.








*tutorials provided are for FloDesk + ConvertKit only, but I will record new tutorials for other platforms listed here if needed!




Studiocart + WooCommerce

Facebook Ads Manager



Libsyn (Podcasting)

Hello Audio (Podcasting)

Why am I using an application process? Because I want to make sure this program is the best fit possible for where you are! I'm also keeping the inaugural group on the smaller side to ensure maximum success.

You'll be Able to Launch (Or Re-Launch) Your Online Business With...

• Knowing how all the pieces of your online business work

• Having a client acquisition strategy in place

• Feeling confident to make changes to your own website

• Consistently marketing your business with ease

Knowing how to craft the copy for your website and emails


$1,500 | or 5 payments of $325

For access to EVERYTHING you need to get your service-based business launched online.

You get 30 days to test drive The Guided Online Business Program.  If you don’t love it, I’ll refund your $$$. If you reach out within 30 days after enrollment to let me know that you’re not happy with the program, I’ll give you a full refund.

Join US!


I take you through the process that I use with my 1:1 Guided clients to help them launch an online business, not just a website. With the strategy, expertly crafted offers and messaging in place, your website will be positioned to convert.

The benefits

Marketing & Branding Strategy

Weekly Mastermind Coaching Calls

Weekly Q&A Calls

Support Setting Up All of Your Tech

& More!

Marketing Plan Tailored to Your Person & Business

Ability to Edit Your Own Website and Email Marketing with Confidence

12-Month Access to the Tech Supported Mastermind

Why am I using an application process? Because I want to make sure this program is the best fit possible for where you are! I'm also keeping the inaugural group on the smaller side to ensure maximum success.

Why am I using an application process? Because I want to make sure this program is the best fit possible for where you are! I'm also keeping the inaugural group on the smaller side to ensure maximum success.

I already have a moderately successful business, will this help me grow?

Yes. If you have some traction but you know that it’s time to pivot or refine your offerings, want guidance on altering your branding and messaging to support the changes in your business, and are ready to set up streamlined marketing practices in place to scale your business, then you are in the right place! 

If you’re really rolling and just need help on some aspects of your business, check out Kara’s resources for Growing Your Business and Refining Your Business, or Lauren’s website for help with copy.

I have an idea, but nothing else yet. Can you help?

Yes! We’ll dedicate two weeks to turning your idea into a service package tailored to the needs of your ideal client. We’ll focus on identifying your niche, market research, nailing your offer(s) and creating a client acquisition plan. 

If you feel really murky about what you do, who you help and what you help them do, then I recommend booking a free exploratory call to see if this program is the right fit for you now, or if I might recommend something else first.

How much time do I need to commit to this program?

I’ve worked hard to set up the curriculum with enough time for you to work through each week’s tasks at a manageable pace. That said, we’ll be working together to launch or re-launch an online business with everything you need to grow and succeed, so it’s going to take some elbow grease! Everything is pre-recorded so you can go at your own pace, but I also don't want you to procrastinate!

If you plan to complete the core program in 4-months, you should expect to set aside 1-2 hours per week to view the instructional material, and another 2-3 hours per week spent on doing the work. Some weeks, particularly during the copywriting and website design phase, may require more time to complete the work. The live office hour and 1-hour group mastermind call are optional, and would add another 2 hours of your time if you attend both or view the recordings. (Let’s call it 7-8 hours/week in total).

I’ll provide you with a tracking and self-coaching spreadsheet that I recommend using to make sure you don’t fall off course. (I'll provide one for a 4-month track and one for a 6-month track). It’ll also help you chart a path to get back on track if you do.

I’m working with or planning to work with a website designer and/or copywriter.

If you’re looking to outsource all of this work, then probably not. Paying the program fee to learn how to effectively do this all yourself, instead of paying up to 10X as much to other service providers is kinda the point. 

If you’re just working with one of the above, then the material here will definitely benefit you. 

Even if you work with a website designer to create your website, you’ll cover all the groundwork in this program to outline your brand guidelines for them, and create your own ethical copy. You definitely need to have your copy READY before working with a designer! And, you’ll be able to edit your website as needed in the future and create new pages with what we teach you here.

If you’re working with a copywriter already, that’s awesome. You’ll benefit so much from that process. But, when your services change (or you add a new one), if you adjust your niche, or if you pivot in your business… you’re going to need new copy. Wouldn’t it be great not to have to wait a month and pay a grand or more? Knowing how to DIY your own, sounds-like-you ethical copy pays dividends over time.

I work with my clients in person  – is this for me?

If you do both in-person and online, then absolutely. If you only work with clients in person, then this is for you if you plan to leverage your website as a major sales tool. I will also be teaching things like setting up a Google Business Profile that are especially beneficial to in-person services too!

What’s the difference between the inaugural run and future programs?

The biggest difference is the price. Our inaugural members will receive a $1,000 discount as I plan to raise the price to $2,500 for future enrollment. The content will remain mostly the same. The benefit of the inaugural run is that I want to make sure I cover anything that comes up, so I will record new content on demand as we work our way through the program.

Will the program work for me if I have a product-based business?

This course is for all heart-centered service-based business owners. Coaches, fitness experts and others who have created an online course based on their 1:1 services are also in the right place! Product-based businesses that are mission-focused and rely heavily on the founder or origin story will also benefit. This class is not suitable for most brick-and-mortar businesses.

I hate selling! I’m not sure I can do it.

No problem! So do we. I’ll help you work on your mindset around selling and you can rest easy knowing that Lauren’s approach to copy is ethical, value-centric, overflowing with empathy, and does not employ any icky, manipulative sales tactics. You can find out more about her approach to copy on her website: You get to define your own ethics around sales practices and we hope you’ll feel reassured that we won’t be prescribing any formulas that make you feel gross.

What if I have a website built on something other than Squarespace or WordPress?

The tutorials provided are for Squarespace and WordPress websites. If you have a ShowIt or Wix website, I can create some instructional videos for your platforms upon request. I will not be able to work with any other platform apart from these four: WordPress, Squarespace, ShowIt, Wix. Please note, I also despise Wix and while I can help you out with it, I really suggest you make a change!

I’m really not tech savvy at all but I am at the solopreneur stage of business life. Will this program help me?

Absolutely. I’m not preaching a one-size-fits-all approach to setting up your online business, which means I can work with you to figure out what tech you will be able to manage and we can build our plan from there. So long as you have the willingness to learn and try new things, we’ll come up with a solution that works.

I just need copy for my website – is this for me?

We cover so much more than copy in this program, so unless you’re interested in the comprehensive instruction provided here, I’d suggest checking out Lauren’s Truer Copy Mastermind that will also be starting in mid-January or her done-for-you services.

Am I going to have to buy a lot of expensive software?

Nope! You must be committed to paying for a website (both Squarespace and WordPress run about $200/year). Other than that, what you spend is up to you. While I encourage the paid versions, I can show you how to work with the free plans for most email marketing systems

I want you to be 100% sure this program is for you before you purchase it. Have more questions? Book an exploratory call with me here.

Let's guide you through this online business thing, already!

Once you have the skills from the Guided Online Business Program, it’ll be so much easier to keep attracting right-fit clients and scaling your business.

We’ll run through everything you need to be successfully launched in the first 4-months, and then you will receive ongoing support through the Tech Supported Mastermind for another 8-months. You can use the additional resources in the Tech Supported Mastermind to launch an online course or group program, too!

The whole point of this program is to show you how to craft a strategy for your own business that works for you and then to give you the skills you need to manage the tech side of things so you can continue to grow.

The best part is you don’t need to over-complicate this whole business thing. I'll be honest: the system takes time + work to implement, but anyone can do it (and it's a whole lot easier with guidance). I’ve gained the experience with hundreds of businesses utilizing different strategies so that I can help distill the methods into what will work best for your unique work style and business.

Are you willing to wait another year (or six months – I’ll probably run this program again in 6 months, but why wait?) to start gaining traction in your online business? Or are you ready for more clarity and right-fit clients now?

Want the complete program for creating an online business?

Strategy, website, marketing and help with all the tech you need to do it!

The Guided Online Business Program is where the strategy and the tech to pull it off meet.

*No more letting tech stop your progress

*No more wondering what the next step is

*No more building a website and hearing crickets

*No more not knowing how to make simple changes to your own website and email systems


Pick a Date and Time


Available Starting times for Tue, Oct 1, 2024

Kara Ferreira LLC - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions